Tuesday, October 7, 2014

This week was a dousie!

This week has been a dousie.  We have been having some great miracles and some downfalls, its been kinda a roller coaster. 
One of the sweet miracles of the week have been Dana, so Dana was baptized (or as she says babatized haha) last week on Sunday and just yesterday she was confirmed and it was really cool. She started crying after and she always tells us how much she loves our church! It was pretty sweet.  Throughout the whole week she was stoked to get the Holy Ghost and she as well keeps saying, "Babatise my husband, babatise my husband!!" haha and we are like Dana we are working on it.  Her husband wants to come to church next week though so that's pretty promising!
We've had some craziness go on though, we had someone we were teaching get drunk and punch a cop, so she is now in jail and we are waiting to see what happens with all her court stuff! We were supposed to have another baptism with Rebecca and that fell through. She is going through a lot with her family. Sister Rollins, as wel,l is in the hospital so keep her in your prayers.  Just a lot of negative stuff has happened this week.  We are looking toward the positive and are excited to tackle a new week up ahead.
Another cool experience I had this week was I was able to go on an exchange with Elder Schwartz; he is a brand-new missionary so it was good to see his "Greenie Fire."
We were walking down the road and there was this lady outside her house so we decided to go talk to her despite the long driveway they had making the walk more awkward (we are missionaries who cares haha). Anyways, we talked to her a bit and just tried to love her not push anything on her.  She then opened up to us and asked about who we were and what we did and obviously we told her and she said that she just had a couple experiences that solidified her faith in Christ but was slowly looking to get into it all, not just jump in on it.  We were able to testify and tell her that that is the reason we were there and she said we could come back!!! Pretty sweet!!
Well those are some highlights of the week.  We were unable to teach tons this week but we are looking to find some more families to work with
Love Ya'll,
Elder Morris

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