Monday, September 15, 2014

This week was pretty sweet!!

LDS Temple in Oklahoma City, Okla.
So this week was pretty sweet!! We had some good lessons and awesome experiences!!! 

Throughout the week things have kinda been up and down with Rebecca and we were praying and wondering what we could do to help! She texted us on Friday morning and said she was sad so we told her to come to district meeting and just hang out with us at our meeting for a while!  

We had an awesome meeting and it turns out that everything that we said in district meeting was totally related to her and she got some answers that she needed!! It was really cool to feel the spirit of the district meeting in the room with everyone.  She was also able to help out all of us be better missionaries!! She had some great insights that missionaries don't normally clue in on.

We have been working with Dana a lot this week too and she is doing awesome!! Slow and steady progression is happening but its defiantly there! We are wrapping up her lessons and hopefully she will be able to look towards this weekend to be baptized!! 

Overall, things have been going really well. we had some awesome meetings this week with stake conference and the mission conference.  Stake conference was all about the temple.  Its hard to focus up on those talks because we only get to go to the temple every so often but still we can learn tons from them.  

I liked one of the speakers because he talked to the investigators at the meeting and said that they should look passed their baptism and look towards the temple. Thats the real goal and thats something I want to focus on in my missionary work, to look towards the temple.
Well, thats pretty much our week! it was some good fun!! Lots of meetings.

Elder Morris

Lots of good answers this week!


This week was a pretty crazy week. We had a lot going on and we were able to teach some good lessons and talk to some pretty sweet people! 

We had some pretty good lessons with Rebbeca and she was going to get baptized this week!! Well some things came up and we are postponing it for a later date but we know she will be baptized she is just going through a lot! We are looking to have some pretty important lessons with her this week and we are excited for those.

We had a super fun lesson with one of our investigators named Dana I don't know if I had mentioned her before. I probably have but she is way awesome, she calls us her little buddies and tells us how much she loves us each time we are with her and how much she loves the church!! 

Anyways we were talking to her about her smoking and she told us that the reason she smokes is because everyone else who is cool does it and she wants to fit in.  We then said "well Dana if everyone jumped off of a bridge would you do it to?" and she replied"... Well I would if I was addicted to it!!" And we all busted up laughing! haha it was awesome

The Highlight of the week was the mission tour that happened yesterday, we had Elder Foster from the 70 come and address us the talks that we had were so good!! President Walkenhorst talked about our desires and how obedience is a desire of the heart.  Putting off the natural man was a topic he touched on as well. 

Then Sister Walkenhorst gave a good training about seeing ourselves as God sees us.  How great we are in the eyes of God.  

She told a funny story about her being in an elevator she said that there were tons of people in this elevator and she was about to be the last one on but she decided to not get on then everyone said no we have room come on in so they all squished and for a while the elevator didnt move and then a voice came from a speaker saying too much weight on the elevator, the doors open and everyone was laughing and sister walkenhorst was the only one to get off and then the elevator was able to go up... 

She phrased it like this, "We all have bad days, most of us don't have elevators calling us fat!" haha it was super funny but it helped us see that yeah we all have bad days... Doesnt mean that the Lord isnt proud of us. 

Sister Foster talked about getting in the game. Focusing on our missions and to have no regrets!! Elder foster then gave 2 great trainings, one was about working with the members on a stake and ward level and it was really good.  He talked about the stake president being the president of the church in that area and it put it into perspective how revelation works and how we are invited guests into the church of this area. He talked about the Law of the Harvest and how we can better our relationships with members and investigators. 

Then he gave a great training on how God truly knows who we are but more importantly he knows our name and how he answers our prayers and from that I had tons of questions answered!! It was great!! Lots of good answers!! 

Well that was the week! 

Love yall!!
Elder Morris